Contaminated Land

  • Contaminated land desk studies including site reconnaissance
  • Site investigation including the assessment of land and groundwater contamination, land gas and geotechnical testing
  • Human health and environmental risk assessment
  • Design and implementation of remediation schemes
  • Management of materials including Qualified Person declaration under the Definition of Waste Cope of Practice scheme
  • Liability assessment

MJCA provides a comprehensive consultancy service in the field of contaminated land providing clear and pragmatic advice that is commercially sound and technically robust. We are experienced in providing our services in support of environmental due diligence for land and business acquisition and divestiture, land development and planning, environmental permit application, pollution incidents, site monitoring.

Our multidisciplinary team including geologists, hydrogeologists, engineering geologists, environmental chemists and geotechnical engineers, provides our clients a unique combination of practical experience and technical knowledge to characterise land quality, undertake qualitative and quantitative risk assessments and deliver sustainable and commercially effective remediation solutions. Our staff keep abreast of all relevant legislation, government guidance and current research so that they can provide up to date professional advice relating to compliance with legislative, health and safety, risk assessment and liability issues.

We have investigated and provided remediation schemes for the redevelopment of a range of contaminated sites including petrochemical and gas works, leather tanneries, scrap yards, waste disposal sites, dockland areas, mine workings, munitions works, coal yards, hospitals and chemical and paint manufacturers.

Our phased, risk based approach provides cost effective assessment of the nature and extent of contamination. Following a review of the land use history and an assessment of potential environmental hazards and local environmental conditions, we design an appropriate site investigation taking into account the anticipated contaminants, potential receptors and pathways and the proposed end use and risk to the environment.

A typical site investigation includes determination of soil contamination, gas or vapour generation and migration, groundwater or surface water contamination and the need for personnel, buildings, materials and services protection. We assess potential risks, derive site specific remediation goals and recommend appropriate remedial measures for site works, for the development stage and for end use.

For large scale engineering, earthworks and remediation projects our team is experienced in assisting clients in the preparation of specifications and construction tender/contract documents and the assessment of tender proposals and providing administration of the contract and site supervision and monitoring services throughout the implementation phase.
In the context of contaminated land development, insurance and liability can be major issues for landowners and developers. The breadth of our practical experience in this field enables us to assess the risk and quantify the environmental liability for example to assess the viability for sale and redevelopment, providing strategies and associated costs model with confidence.

We review and determine the land use planning and environmental permits necessary to facilitate redevelopment works and have the breadth of expertise necessary to integrate these applications with remediation schemes.

For more information on services provided by MJCA please contact us using the details provided below