Waste Management Technology and Solutions

  • Recovery, treatment, anaerobic digestion, composting, incineration, thermal treatment and landfill
  • Hazardous, non hazardous, inert, clinical and low level radioactive waste
  • Waste strategy advice and submission to Local Development Documents
  • Planning applications, applications for Development Consent and environmental impact assessments
  • Environmental Permits
  • Risk assessments
  • Waste producer audits and environmental due diligence
  • Waste characterisation

MJCA has provided technical advice to the waste management industry for over 30 years. We employ a skilled team of experienced professionals with in depth knowledge of waste recovery, waste segregation, waste treatment, composting, incineration, gasification, landfill and innovative technologies. We have a clear understanding of the local environmental impacts which can result from the management of inert, non hazardous, hazardous, clinical and low level radioactive wastes.

Taking into account the guidance presented in the national waste strategies we advise on the selection of waste management techniques consistent with Best Available Techniques and Best Practicable Environmental Options. The company works closely with waste producers, waste companies and local authorities in the development of local waste strategies.

Our comprehensive planning service for waste facilities includes the promotion of sites in the Local Development Framework, preparation of planning applications, preparation of applications for Development Consent, negotiations with local authorities, stakeholder presentations and if necessary hearings and appeals. We have particular expertise in project management and the preparation of thorough Environmental Impact Assessments in support of applications.

MJCA provides Environmental Permitting services for a range of waste management activities. For many years, MJCA has adopted a risk based approach to the design and control of waste management facilities. The in house team of engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, chemists and environmental scientists undertakes qualitative and quantitative assessments for atmospheric emissions, health and nuisance including odour, hydrogeology and stability. We have considerable expertise in the characterisation of pollutant sources together with the identification of pollutant linkages and sensitive receptors. The company is extremely experienced in negotiating with regulators to obtain permissions, permits and other authorisations.

MJCA have developed expertise in the preparation of waste sampling and testing plans, including leaching tests for the purposes of characterisation and compliance assessment. Based on the information arising from waste characterisation and our strong team of chemists MJCA provides advice to waste producers and waste managers on the options for the most appropriate management of individual waste streams.

MJCA has specific expertise in environmental auditing which provides a sound foundation for undertaking environmental due diligence and waste producer audits. Senior members of staff are Registered Principal Environmental Auditors.

For more information on services provided by MJCA please contact us using the details provided below